3.12.2 All vendors submitting Task Order proposals must be treated equally in all respects, including but not limited to the proposal due date and time, the information provided and access to the project site if appropriate. The total dollars awarded to date will be provided based on purchase orders written for the same time period. 2.29 Some considerations for selection are: 2.41 Minority Women Local (MWL) firms should be given opportunities on each bid list for which there is a Qualified Minority Women Local firm in the appropriate trade and specialty with sufficient expertise and capacity to perform the work being bid. GF-2023-R-0009 | Numerous FAR contract clauses and FAR certifications may be required for such a purchase. Diligence in retrieving files from fax and copier machines is optimum to maintain confidentiality and to limit access to that information. We also assist in the processing of Purchase Orders as well as the monitoring of compliance relative to the requirements of various Federal agencies. This policy promotes access for suppliers to competitive opportunities by requiring that either bids be obtained for goods and services or that appropriate justification is provided when a competitive process is not followed. The Procurement Card (P-Card) Office provides administrative support for the Universitys P-Card program. Responsibilities. 1.38 Vendor Qualification Committee meetings for vendor qualification will occur on a quarterly basis or as needed to meet the Facilities Groups requirements. In no case shall the Bid Interval be extended in a manner that would: 4.50 In some cases when none of the bids have been opened, it may be necessary to extend the bid period to: To avoid the appearance of impropriety, an extension of the bid period should be communicated to all bidders and the bid opening rescheduled. 3.90 A summary report of bidding and work that deviates from the policy will be generated by Purchasing and made to the Vendor Qualification Committee for their review and consideration. This number will be required to make any updates to your vendor profile, such as address and company information. The bidding policy requirements shall apply to all rebids. All bidders are to receive equal information and treatment. The P-Card Office also manages the Universitys Corporate Card Program. 6.30 When the Facilities Manager responsible for the bid summary and recommendation is indicating that a bidder other than the low bidder is to be selected, the reasons are to be documented in the Recommendation to Award memo. It is the policy of Columbia University to obtain competitive proposals, bids or price quotations, as reasonably practical, on products and services used by the University. The University has approved a limited set of criteria for sole/single-source procurement, and the justification must meet at least one of those criteria. Updated 9/13/2020; 5:00pm - added FAQ #15 below related to subawardees The rationale for the award decision must be well documented. After proposals are received, evaluated and negotiated the contract(s) can be awarded to the supplier(s) presenting the best combination of price, delivery, compliance to specifications, capacity to perform, and quality of service. WebColumbia University in the City of New York Finance Procurement Documentation Application Intro Purchasing Accounts Payable Vendor Management Journal Entries 403 (11) shall contain suitable provisions for termination by the recipient, including the manner by which termination shall be effected and the basis for settlement. In order to upload documents to Procurement, or to check the status of a current order or When procuring construction-related activities and the cost exceeds $250,000 the required competitive sourcing process is the Sealed Bid Proposal process. WebThe mission of the Supply Chain Shared Service Center is to support the educational, research, and patient care missions of the Johns Hopkins Institutions by providing effective and efficient supply chain management services in a customer focused manner. In developing an in-house estimate, an effort should be made to obtain information from the marketplace. These vendors will be called Qualified Vendors. To achieve those goals, Facilities and Operations works with a broad range of contractors and suppliers. 1.22 Task Order Agreement Vendors will be selected by the Purchasing Department on a periodic basis with the input of the Facilities groups. This admissions data tells us that most of Columbia's admitted students fall within the top 2% nationally on the ACT. All decisions should be documented within the project file. Because of where you work, you and your family get exclusive offers with T-Mobile Work Perks. Please reference the Request for Proposal Guidelines listed below for template examples and process guidance. The names of the review group or AVP in attendance will be listed on the form. To become an ARC (Accounting and Reporting at Columbia) application user or to make a change your existing role (and corresponding accesses) in ARC, The links to the policies are provided below. The vendors financial information will be established in the qualification information. If all factors are equal (i.e. Support Research at Columbia Administration Office of the EVP of Research 400 New Inventions Annually 86 A current version of these provisions as of the date of publication of these Guidelines is provided in Appendix 2 of the Purchasing Guidelines, Special Terms and Conditions, Federal Acquisition Regulations. We are also responsible for negotiating and signing most consultant'scontracts and other service agreements; processing employee expense reimbursements, prize & award payments made by the University; and maintenance of the University vendor/payee database that supports procurement transactions. If a bid is extended, a Vice President level officer or designee must provide a written approval of any additions to the bid list. GSA, NYS Contracts, etc. Design Build Services, Van Ness Modernization Buildings 39, 44, and 71. The competitive proposal process brings structure to the procurement decision and requires that the proposal be publicized, clearly outline the proposal requirements and articulate the evaluation criteria including the weighted values for each criterion identified as being used in the selection process. The analysis must be conducted in accordance with the published evaluation criteria and documents on the standard Purchasing Checklist and Bid Summary Form Sponsored. Exclusion of bidders on the rebid list should be reviewed with Purchasing or Project Administration. Upon indicating that the purchase is not competitive, the requester will be prompted to complete a web-based justification form. if any of their partners, owners, share holders, principles or employees are related to Columbia University employees. Overseeing supply chain management for Student Health Services. then the lowest priced responsive and responsible supplier must be awarded the contract. if the above are currently qualified to work for Columbia University under any other vendor name by a Task Order, master agreement, lease or other contractual agreement. The Office of Procurement Servicesencompasses several different units, each focused on specific tasks. MU seeks artists or artist teams to create new site-specific art for two spaces on NextGens first floor, one with a $50,000 budget, the other with a $40,000 budget. The Columbia University policy on competitive procurement provides guidance to ensure that all procurement activity meets applicable regulatory requirements and that the University maintains a competitive sourcing environment. (To submit expenses, see Travel and business expense reimbursement below) Columbia University students, employees, and visitors can be reimbursed for valid business- and research-related expenses. Competitive Task Order Proposals require only the Bid Coordinator (or designee) to sign, date and distribute the proposals. Process requests by University departments to create a vendor and other payee profiles in ARC. Prior approval must be obtained from the professor or The following provide various options to the supplier selection process: The Request for Quotation (RFQ) Process (Simplified Acquisition Threshold). WebICAP at Columbia University, a global health leader situated within the Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health in New York City, seeks the services of a Finance and Administration Director in Zimbabwe. University Review Maintain employee payee profiles for expense reimbursement. For students entering the university in the 2017-18 academic year, 51% chose to submit ACT scores. A copy of the Competitive Sourcing Price Summary - Non Sponsored form is available through this link below. 1.10 All Facilities maintenance and construction related Vendors selected to perform work for the University will be required to be qualified by the Purchasing Department prior to any commencement of work. We are continuously renovating, building upon, and improving CUIMC's historic campus as a center for excellence and healing. E&I, VHA Novation, etc.). Only oil-filled, radiator-type portable space heaters with no exposed heating elements are allowed at CUIMC. Refer to Appendix A for an example of the Vendor Qualification Listing data profile. The Competitive Procurement Process (Sealed Bid/Competitive Proposal Threshold). The Columbia University Purchasing Card (P-Card) is the preferred payment method for most business related, non-travel, small dollar purchases (under Solicitations are sent only to firms eligible for inclusion in the procurement of facilities-related goods and services. WebColumbia University in the City of New Yorks average GPA is 3.91. Verbal bids are not accepted under any circumstances. In either case, the final resolution will be reviewed and approved by University Purchasing. Main: 843-792-4521. 1.44 The subject firm will be notified in writing by Purchasing that their contract has been terminated, and their name will be removed from the Qualified and Task Order Agreement listings and the Accounts Payable and Purchasing vendor files will also be updated as required to reflect the change in standing. 2.15 Opportunities to bid on work should be distributed on a routine basis to all firms on the Task Order Agreement list based on their trade, specialty and the size of project. When goods, and particularly services, do not have standardized specifications or complex requirements the competitive sourcing process best employed is the Request for Proposal (RFP) process and the following conditions apply: The RFP process brings structure to the procurement decision, with the establishment of a document outlining requirements, articulation of evaluation criteria, and often formal communication activities such as a bidders conference. Generally Task Order Agreements will have; 1.31 Purchasing will be responsible for maintaining the Vendor Qualification process in close consultation with the Facilities groups. As such, applicants will be evaluated on the quality and breadth of their undergraduate preparation for the study of economics at the graduate level. The sealed bid proposal process is used for firm fixed price contracts where the contract will be awarded on a lowest price basis and is the preferred process for supplies, equipment and construction awards. This signature and approval will be on the Recommendation to Award document. Confidentiality of Bids/Quotations/Proposals. 3.70 In emergency or expedited situations, prudent management judgment shall prevail. A copy of the Competitive Sourcing Price Summary - Sponsored document is available through the link below. When goods or services valued between $10,000 - $249,999 have standard or easily compared specifications, the competitive sourcing process best employed is a Request for Quote (RFQ) process. 4.71 All competitively bid work requires sealed bids. Once a proposal has been selected, the Purchasing Checklist and Bid Summary Form Sponsored, which provides for the price analysis, must be completed and submitted with the requisition as supporting documentation. The above bulleted section applies solely when a direct expenditure of Federal funds is involved. For construction, operations, and maintenance projects (see full list in sidebar), email 3. The first step in shopping for the goods or services your department needs is to identify or create a supplier/vendor using Columbia's purchasing tools and procedures. In the event multiple bids are not available, a sole source justification must be completed providing details as to the reason a competitive bidding process was not utilized. Termination may occur due to: failure to adhere to the Task Orders and conditions of their contract, unsatisfactory performance, repeatedly unsuccessful or un-competitive bidding, unlawful conduct, federal disbarment, the act of subjecting individuals to unsafe practices or conditions or any activity or condition deemed unacceptable by Columbia Universitys Purchasing or Facilities Departments. Please note that becoming an approved vendor and being issued a vendor ID number does not guarantee business or contracts with Columbia. Start here to learn the basics. 4K followers Columbia University - School of International and Public Affairs 2.42 Minority Women Local targets will be established based on the demographics of the firms and the work to be bid. The Recommendation to Award is to have a written approval by the facilities group AVP, or designee, indicating approval of the analysis and decision. *Note: Facilities and construction-related procurement activities, please reference Purchasing of Facilities Servicesand/or the above-mentioned Purchasing Matrix in Appendix II of this policy. (Individual Federal sponsoring agencies are required to incorporate the provisions of OMB Circular A-110 into their own agency regulations.) The Senior Columbia University Officer present at the bid opening will sign/approve this document. 4.73 Bidding instructions should request that bidders respond by mail or fax if they are not going to participate prior to the bid due date. 2.25.1. WebICAP at Columbia University, a global health leader situated within the Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health in New York City, seeks the services of a Finance and Administration Director in Zimbabwe. 2.16 Utilization of firms should be distributed to provide opportunities for all firms to bid on and obtain work based on their competitiveness. 1.36 There will be a periodic review as determined by the Vendor Qualification Committee to assess projected demand for qualified vendors defined by trade and specialty where the need for additional vendors will be reviewed. Software requests must contain: the title and publisher of the software; 3.14 If a Task Order vendors contract stipulates unit pricing that is all inclusive (providing for, but not limited to labor and material within the unit cost) a Work Order may be issued to a Task Order Vendor for work greater than $5,000 and up to $20,000 for individual trades or general contractors, provided that any additional or miscellaneous costs not included in the unit pricing schedule, do not exceed $5,000. A Facilities Director must approve the vendor selection. A copy will be sent to Purchasing. RFIs can request information relating to: the item is only available from a single source, the public exigency or emergency for the requirement will not permit a delay resulting from competitive solicitation, the awarding agency or pass-through entity expressly authorizes noncompetitive proposals in response to a written request from the non-Federal entity (Columbia), after solicitation of a number of sources, competition is determined inadequate, due to the nature of the scientific research, the required good(s) and/or service(s) are only available from a specific supplier, Comparison with competitive published price lists, market prices of commodities, similar indexes, and discount or rebate arrangement. Failure to submit the properly authorized Sole/Single Source justification will result in the form being returned to the Requisitioner. Columbia University in the City of New York, Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action (EOAA). If a firm is selected to proceed as a qualified vendor with the University, the procurement team for supplier information with Facilities and Operations will send a series of requests for additional information, such as a W9, financial history, references, contact information, and more. Through the Competitive Procurement process, supplier proposals should be reviewed to determine if the most competitive pricing has been offered. The supporting documentation for these purchases is completed during the Purchase Requisition process in ARC. Thisprogramutilizes a Visa card to make purchases of goods and some services (limited by policy) of $2,500.00 or less. A Facilities Director must approve the vendor selection. PREPARATION OF LIST OF PROSPECTIVE BIDDERS. Late bids, which are received after the deadline, may be accepted in extenuating circumstances. The Purchasing Office is responsible for reviewing construction procurements for compliance with purchasing procedures and for issuing the Purchase Order or Change Order for the procurement. This form provides a record of the selection process. 4.32 Any additional information, clarifications, and addendums transmitted to one bidder were equally transmitted to all bidders. Failure to comply may result in removal from the pre-qualified list. 5.20 At the Bid Opening (also reference PA001-02 Facilities Policy): 5.30 In situations where an architectural, engineering or other consultant firm was engaged to administer the bid process, sections 5.10 and 5.20 a-c still apply, and in addition, the bid summary must be co-signed by a senior member of the consulting firm. Scroll to explore Featured In Focus Previous Next 1 / 4 WebProcurement Card (P-Card) The P-Card Office provides administrative support for the Universitys Procurement Card program. Small Dollar Purchase (Micro Purchase Threshold): Goods and Service Purchases under $10,000 require one quote/proposal, Request for Quotation (RFQ) (Simplified Acquisition Threshold): Goods and Services Purchases between $10,000 and $249,999 require multiple written quotes obtained from an adequate number of qualified sources, Competitive Procurement Process (Sealed Bid/Competitive Proposal Threshold)*: Goods and Services Purchases of $250,000 or more require multiple written formalized public bids through either a sealed bid or competitive proposal process depending on the goods or services being procured (see below for further details) solicited from an adequate number of qualified sources, pricings found in published journals, advertisements, internet sites, and auctions, UWPAs Central Purchasing has competitively bid and negotiated an agreement on behalf of the University that provides the best overall value for commonly used suppliers. Quantities and unit pricing will be audited post award utilizing the Vendors and the Facility Management Groups documentation which will be forwarded to Purchasing for issuance of a purchase order. The completed and signed form must be submitted to Purchasing in addition to any other required documents supporting the sole source decision. If such a determination has not been made, the minimum requirements shall be as follows: A bid guarantee from each bidder equivalent to five percent of the bid price. if any of the above have done work for Columbia University or its affiliate schools and hospitals, under any vendor name other than the current vendor name. procurement, and financial management. WebKabir is an experienced renewables/EV analyst and sustainability consultant. WebColumbia-Owned and Provided Furniture Housing prohibits the removal or alteration of all University-owned and provided furniture, fixtures, appliances, and locks. 5.11 Competitive Task Order Proposals will be recorded as competitive on the requisition summary if at least two (2) vendors respond for amounts under $5,000, and two (2) vendors respond for amounts between $5,000 and $20,000 /$50,000, otherwise they will be classified as Task Order on the requisition summary. Learn about Using the P-Card (Reconciling and Approving Transactions), View Payment Status and Remittance Information, Columbia University in the City of New York, Sponsored Projects: Post-Award Financial Administration, Advisory Committee on Socially Responsible Investing, EVP of Finance and Information Technology, University-Wide Purchasing Agreements (UwPA), Services, Software, and Consultant Agreements, Technology, Travel, and Business ProductsSourcing, Reset Supplier Request Password or Resend Questionaire, Using the P-Card (Reconciling and Approving Transactions), P-Card Hard Close and Monthly Audit Process, Using the Travel and Expense Corporate Card, Requests for Proposals and Notice to Bidders, Reimbursement Request for a Travel or Business Expense, International Wire Transfer Payment Request, Track Voucher Statusor Submit Documentation, Payments and Disbursementsby Wire Transfer, 1042 Tax Withholding for Nonresident Alien Individuals, 1099 Tax Withholding for Non-Employee Compensation. Bids must be unsealed in a manner consistent with the specifications included in the proposal and contract(s) awarded to the qualified supplier(s) with the lowest price. then the lowest priced supplier must be awarded the contract. At a minimum, the bid price should be compared to in-house estimates or past prices paid for the same or substantially similar item(s). The following provide various options to the supplier selection process: The use of a UwPA will satisfy the Universitys as well as the Federal competitive bid requirements for all purchasing thresholds. delivery schedule, freight costs, return policies, warranties, etc.) WebPosted 6:53:56 PM. A Facilities Director must approve the vendor selection. New York, NY 10027 Columbia University 2023 Columbia University Accessibility Nondiscrimination Careers Built You will then be able to log in to the catalog and search for your quote number for purchase. be specific in defining Bid period (interval). 4.10.2 Rebids should follow the same procedures as the original bid. 2.21 Project Managers should seek competitive proposals for Task Order Agreement work as outlined in the Bid List Preparation section of this policy in order to encourage efficient utilization of manpower and material usage as well as provide an opportunity for bidding diversity and compliance with MWL objectives. An RFP should include both standard University requirements and requirements specific to the product/service being sought. If a supplier other than the lowest price is selected, a justification is required to indicate the specific rationale. As competitive sourcing provides a basis for determining price reasonableness, when competitive sourcing does not occur, it is necessary for a sole/single-source process to also include documentation for price reasonableness. If a review is required to qualify vendors on an emergency or expedited basis, the Vendor Qualification Committee review process can be handled by email or internal mail for those instances. The University of Missouri (MU) System invites artists to apply for public art projects for its Roy Blunt NextGen Precision Health Building. 2.22 Task Order Agreement Vendors will have established unit pricing, hourly rates and markups for work done under the Task Order Agreement. All RFPs should include both standard University requirements and requirements specific to the product/service being sought. Prior Approvals, Allowability of Costs, and Effort on Sponsored Projects. Comparison of proposed prices with independent market research or independent Government cost estimates. Members of the Facilities Management and Campus Services team frequently work with outside vendors and contractors to provide key services to the Columbia University Irving Medical Center community. procurement, and financial management. DSAs These are Departmental Select Agreements and are for goods and/or services that are competitively bid and negotiated on behalf of an individual or group of department(s) or school(s) with the intention of awarding a term contract. This would also include the unit cost, extended cost, and other associated costs such as delivery costs. Safeguarding information includes that confidentiality is upheld during conversations between peers, colleagues, consultants, temporary associates and general conversations both in and out of the workplace. Average SAT: 1505 The average SAT score composite at Columbia University is a 1505 on the 1600 SAT scale. All price quotations received are to be evaluated on the basis of compliance to provided specifications/requirements, other communicated factors such as quality of goods/services and customer service support, and, ultimately, price. Adequate documentation must be prepared at the earliest possible time following such occurrences. If, in the instance of a single proposal received through a formal bid process, the formal bid process can be cancelled and a contract price is negotiated directly with the sole bidder, a cost breakdown must be obtained and a cost or price analysis performed. WebPurchasing (new purchases only) These instructions are only for new purchases. December 13, 2022 Competitive Bidding 403 (11)shall contain contractual provisions or conditions that allow for administrative, contractual, or legal remedies in instances in which a contractor violates or breaches the contract terms, and provide for such remedial actions as may be appropriate. P-Card Setup and The original bid amount, any rebids and leveling notes of each vendor must be clearly listed in sequence of their submission on the bid summary. Vendors will be added and deleted from the list in an ongoing process that provides them an opportunity to work for Columbia University in a preferred but non-exclusive basis. 4.20 Bid Packages should contain the following information. In other words, the award must be provided to the responsible firm whose proposal is most advantageous to the program. It will also show the total base bid and appropriate alternatives. Additional services and Change Orders will be more manageable under this agreement due to the established rates in the contract. Residents must keep all furnishings in their room, including bed frames and mattresses. WebProcurement Services. These rates will facilitate the preparation of proposals. The Corporate Card is acredit card that can be used by individuals to pay for University-approved travel and business-related expenses. Need to modify your own information in our database? delivery schedule, freight costs, return policies, warrantys, etc.) Product Recall Notification. We work to foster the continuation of those creative endeavors and to promote an environment that sustains the highest standards of scholarship, learning, and safety. For the RFQ process a contract award must be based on the provision by the suppliers of the specified products or services. Purchasing Requisition and Purchase Order Policy, Columbia University in the City of New York, Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action (EOAA), Competitive Sourcing Price Summary - Non Sponsored, Competitive Sourcing Price Summary - Sponsored, Purchasing Checklist and Bid Summary Form , Purchasing Checklist and Bid Summary Form Sponsored, Goods and Services Purchases up to $9,999 require one quote/proposal, Goods and Services Purchases between $10,000 - $249,999 require a minimum of 2 written quotes/proposals, Goods and Services Purchases above $250,000 require a minimum of 3 written quotes/proposals, Purchases for Service Providers up to $24,999 require one quote/proposal, Purchases for Service Providers between $25,000 - $249,999 require a minimum of 2 written quotes/proposals, Purchases for Service Providers above $250,000 require a minimum of 3 written quotes/proposals, UwPAs Central Purchasing has competitively bid and negotiated an agreement on behalf of the University that provides the best overall value for commonly used suppliers. 9.10 The Project Manager will input the information into the appropriate University system (i.e. The "bid guarantee" shall consist of a firm commitment such as a bid bond, certified check, or other negotiable instrument accompanying a bid as assurance that the bidder shall, upon acceptance of his bid, execute such contractual documents as may be required within the time specified. 2.28 Provisions for unanticipated, emergency procurement as defined in Section 6.00 of the purchasing guidelines will be made as they occur but such emergency procedures are not intended for convenience or to circumvent the purchasing policy. After proposals are received, evaluated, and negotiated the contract(s) can be awarded to the supplier(s) presenting the best combination of price, delivery, compliance to specifications, the capacity to perform, and quality of service. Please refer to the Purchasing Matrix in Appendix II for specific process requirements by category and dollar threshold. delivery schedule, freight costs, return policies, warranties, etc.) Federal agencies holders, principles or employees are related to Columbia University in the 2017-18 academic year 51... Orders will be provided based on purchase Orders written for the same period. Services ( limited by policy ) of $ 2,500.00 or less of Missouri MU... And maintenance projects ( see full columbia university procurement in sidebar ), email 3 Committee. Developing an in-house estimate, an effort should be reviewed with Purchasing or Project Administration the Sourcing... 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