Thanks Holley and Merry Christmas!!! I still deal with the aftermaths, but my faith its what keeps me going! document.getElementById( "ak_js_5" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); It can appear in the space of a few hours and . As someone in the medical field, I trusted the research that Rachel had done and the time she spent for herself (and now for me) to sort through the dos and donts (and how they have drastically changed in even the last 5 years. Is there any therapy/ acupuncture after 10 years to help me get my smile back or my eye not too squint. Oh my! I knew it would take time. Know that you are not alone and that many people are walking the same path. Bell's palsy, also known as idiopathic facial palsy, is a form of temporary facial paralysis or weakness on one side of the face. Should I wait till after 2 weeks or would it be good to start now? I agree, it is so depressing and I get so sad when I hear from people that are suffering and withdrawal from doing the things they love. Part of this research program focuses on learning more about the circumstances that lead to nerve damage and the conditions that cause injuries and damage to nerves. A nerve surgeon I contacted that does surgeries if the nerves do not regenerate on their own in 6 months also suggested exercise and acupuncture and physio ASAP unlike my medical doctor suggested (rest and wait) everyones experience is different but having gone to physio+Chinese medicine route (they prescribed tonics teas) I can see results & I have full trust bc they say they see 2-4 ppl a month with bells (both physio+accu) Good luck everyone! It affects about 40,000 people in the United States every year. Other symptoms include a drooping appearance on the affected side of the face and impairment of tear and saliva functions. Hi Holley, I have recently taken up Face Yoga which is helping rebuild the muscles in my face. He said its like a dull headache that wont go away. I havent taken any days off from work since diagnosed and I now I wonder if I should. Im having pain with Bells Palsy now. 800-352-9424. The disease is named after Sir Charles Bell, who presented cases How much movement do you have in your face or is it completely paralyzed? Pengobatan Bell's palsy biasanya mencakup rencana terapi, pengobatan, dan pemulihan. information highlighted below and resubmit the form. There may be benefit in adding an antiviral . So frustrated with the whole thing. "The authors translate this to an 8-week . Because the amino acid arginine is needed for viral replication, foods high in arginine should be avoided. I do hope you know that you are certainly not a freakanything but and there are thousands of people out there suffering from the same thing. Hemifacial spasms are a rare neurological disorder. 1998-2023 Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research (MFMER). People with Bells palsy might experience a number of uncomfortable symptoms, including total paralysis or pronounced weakness on one side of the face. Bell's palsy can strike anyone at any age. Bell's palsy, or facial palsy, is a paralysis or severe weakness of the facial muscles on one side of the face, causing it to droop or become stiff. For me, by far the most annoying part of BP is my very stinging right eye and tears and eye drops constantly running down my nasal passages . I was just diagnosed a week ago the pain under my ear and in my jaw is unbearable. #10 Discouraged Foods for Bell's Palsy. Thanks for posting this How do you manage with not using a straw? If youre newly diagnosed, I hope these tips help you too. Provides information about rare diseases for patients and families through consultation with specialists of the disease. An aggressive program of dietary supplementation should not be launched without the supervision of a qualified physician. Also, I think Ive developed some Synkenisis, very mild but still noticeable to me. Pain around the ear. We are constantly looking for new information to promote wellness and hearing from you would make our day! In extreme cases, this dryness can result in eye damage or even blindness. If anyone is currently going through this, Im sorry for your agony. I keep thinking, what if this treatment doesnt work, what if they find that its something horrible??? (Rebecca, 21 years old) A headache, numbness, swelling, and slurred speech. No obvious viral illness. Bell's palsy occurs more often in people who: Recurrent attacks of Bell's palsy are rare. Affected patients develop unilateral facial paralysis over one to three days with . I can definitely say stress related. My affected eye consistently gets either teary or bleary and usually a combination of both making it difficult to drive. I got it yesterday. Sending good wishes for a speedy recovery! Hi, You might notice a headache and pain, or twitching or weakness in one side of your face. I missed the 2 week window for quick recovery so my road to regaining facial control relied heavily on facial therapy, Vit B (take individual ones), no stress, facial massage, mixture of essential oil I apply around my ear area of the affected side. The weakness makes half of the face appear to droop. Bell's palsy is a condition that causes weakness or paralysis of your facial muscles, typically just on one side of your face. I would advise you to wear sunglasses all the time, inside and out because you will be amazed at the number if things that will hit your eyeball, because your brain makes you blink to deflect incoming threates to your eye, but you dont blink, so lots of stupid things will hit you in the eye. Can Bell's Palsy Be Cured? She said it took her about 8 weeks to feel/look back to normal. Your email address will not be published. Generally, Bell's palsy affects only one side of the face; however, in rare cases, it can affect both sides. I was diagnosed with Lyme disease back in 1983 and this seems to be the cause of the Bells palsy. For example, when you smile, the eye on the affected side may close. It has been getting worse hours after hours. Bell's palsy usually affects adults only. Do not take vitamin B12 if you have Lebers optic atrophy. It affects only one side of the . Bells palsy has a funny way of making you feel isolated, depressed, mad, scared, selfish, withdrawn, embarrassed, hopeless, unattractive, debilitated, stressed out, exhausted, in pain, impatient, annoyed, frustratedand the list goes on and on. I also noticed half my tongue on the affected side felt numb but I think I was mistaken numbness for loss of taste. I was advised by one of my ignorant eye docs to have electric shock therapy to the affected right side of face and jaw. Below are a variety of diseases that mimic Bells palsy paralysis. However, after I finished with the short-term course of Prednisone, my BP side went paralyzed completely, it was even worse than the first attack. Varicella herpes zoster has also been implicated. The first and second time I had it was on the left but this time its on the right. the unsubscribe link in the e-mail. When the nerve swells, it pushes up against the skull, and prevents it from working normally (Webmd, Oct 2016). First signs I saw of BP coming on this time I took right to the Net and came across your journal. Gently warm a tablespoon of castor oil and massage into your face. The pain I felt behind my ear was the . Though the cause of Bell's palsy is unknown, an inflammatory reaction involving the facial nerve may be involved. Thats so much easier said than done when we all lead busy lifestyles but if you can decrease stress at all, hopefully, it will help to speed up the process. Bell's palsy fact sheet. I havent seen any improvement with the prednisone and Valtrex. I cant imagine a constant ringing. I think Im at least 75% better and Im not giving up. Trying to get in with neurologist, dut dont really know what they can do. Bell's palsy is the most common cause of facial paralysis. It affected the left part of my face. I hope someone will be able to read through the comments and help you. Do you know of other supplements that may help the healing process? A person with Bell's palsy should have a diet . Among those who dont recover fully, the face may continue to be weak on the affected side and droop. Ive never had earache in my life, but there was lots of random earache, pains on my forehead, pains in my jaw, even shooting pains on the back of my neck which went up my skull and down my forehead. The standard therapy for Bells palsy is antiviral drugs combined with corticosteroids. If you are experiencing serious medical symptoms, please see the Dr. Hadlock and her team have a ton of experience with facial nerve disorders, and they can always help someone, no matter how mild to severe their issues with facial movement are. I am so glad that I found your blog. The next day, I couldnt whistle for my dog to come get his dinner. So depressed at times. In general, decompression surgery for Bell's palsyto relieve pressure on the nerveis controversial. There is nothing more frustrating than Bells palsy. I initially thought I was having a stroke and I flew to the ER. It's caused by nerve damage that . I dont want to go out or to see family, or to go to school, I feel like everyone will just be staring at my eye that wont blink, and the smile that isnt right. And Im glad youre here. So much of what I read was exactly what had occurred to me. BELL'S PALSY OVERVIEW. This content does not have an Arabic version. She calmed me down and assured me that this was only to cover all the bases and standard procedure for this (my husband told me the same thing). Covering multi staff who really dont do enough (not joking) and then take days off. When I get really tired or stressed my eye will twitch and droop and my mouth will pullit is crazy how these things come back to remind us. Plan on seeing an eye doctor tomorrow. Sending prayers for you. Never had any health issues other than hormonal, run of the mill stress related headaches most especially around my time of the month. My dr told me I could return to work and exercise whenever I feel up to it so I have been hoping that wont be detrimental to my recovery. Men and women are affected equally. This time there is severe pain behind the ear. My left eye closes when I eat and yawn. I can locate the title and image, but the text is from Haleys guest blog. In Bells palsy, one half of the face abruptly becomes temporarily paralyzed. I do deal with a lot of stressful, but I am trying to manage the stress and am now doing more things to relax and sleep. Elsevier; 2022. Because the eye on the affected side doesn't close, it's important to take steps to protect and care for that eye. I was dianogus with bells palsy today 10/18/21.It is the scariest feeling the world.It started last night with mouth dropping my daughter noticed it I didnt think nothing of it then I startedooking at fb and my vision was blurry. Watery eye, earache, and not being able to drink. But when they do recur, there's often a family history of recurrent attacks. Does your therapist specialize in BP? Good luck, Rabi! Bell's Palsy is a facial disorder that causes sudden paralysis in the muscles of the face. The nerve needs time to rest,), Eliminate all possible stress on the body (This goes along with rest but do whatever you have to do to take any pressure off of yourselffor me it was to stop nursing-not an easy decision-while for others it means a medical leave, etc. It begins suddenly and worsens over 48 hours. Review/update the There are two facial nerves, one for the right side of the face and one for the left. Ive had Bells Palsy for a month and heres how it has been for me. And resting. Thank you, Libby, for sharing your story and your positive attitude! We recommend you discover our Methylcobalamin or Omega-3 fish oil to aggressively battle Bells Palsy. Since its mild I still dont have affects on my eyes. I never made a video but if you google it, you can find some very helpful videos on how to tape your eye shut at night. So as not to stress myself out, I choose not to focus on the slim chance of reoccurrence, instead, I choose to focus on gratitude & joy. Kerry from Australia found out Wed. Night i had Bels Palseys. Bell's palsy is an unexplained episode of facial muscle weakness or paralysis. Im so glad you found the comments helpful! Because of possible drug interactions, individuals taking prescription medicines should always talk to their doctors before taking any over-the-counter drugs. Bad part reno. For some people it can be very quick while for others it is a much slower process. Some of the primary sources of omega-6 are canola, corn, and soy oil. I am super glad I found this post and Ill be honestly I found more great info in the comments section. Quit using straws. But then she also tells me that she wants me to get a scan/an mri and of course this freaks me out because why would I need a scan if shes 99.999% sure its BP??? This kept my eye shut but did not rip out my eyelashes. A study of over 700 subjects showed that those with the highest intake of trans fat consumption had blood levels of CRP, a marker for inflammation, nearly 75 percent higher than subjects with the lowest intake of trans fats, according to the website The Medical News. Especially when is quiet like at night its hard to sleep. I took my course of steroids, wore sunglasses for the first 2 weeks to protect my non closing eye and my wife put drops in twice a day to soothe the eye. Its been 2 weeks now since that second attack and I barely have any improvement. He knows how lucky he is that this is temporary and hes focusing on that. I am very fortunate in that I have absolutely no pain, except for a bit of jaw achiness when I overuse it. Have been prescibed pednisolone 50mgs daily for 5 days and eye drops regularly to moisten the eye and eye gel and patch at night. I just got diagnosed 2 nights ago with BP. Half of the remaining patients experience near-total remission by three months. I would be interested to read the whole series but I could only find this one. Id love some of that research! Bell's palsy is a type of facial paralysis that results in a temporary inability to control the facial muscles on the affected side of the face. Vitamin B12 has also been documented to improve the symptoms of Bells palsy. I was diagnosed 8-27-22. Its quite frustrating to see that its not getting better. I was diagnosed with mild bells palsy with my smile drooping on one side., I had a mild case of Bells Palsy a year-and-a-half ago went away pretty quickly. I think it was only through the high dose of prednisone (40mg/day) that my condition improved, but I was told that I cannot take it for a long period. Newly diagnosed. The funny thing is- because Im deaf and use sign language, there have been no issues at all in regard to changes in hearing or ringing, etc. Lost my Mam in June 08, some days are better than others, nothing replaces our Mams though. My biggest issue is my eye being dry. Doctors will ask you to move various facial muscles, such as frowning, closing your eyes, and lifting your eyebrows. ???????? Scroll through the comments on my posts to see some resources that may be able to help. I have lost over 10 lbs and no one has any answers. He said the way to tell it wasnt a stroke, was that I could still raise the affected eyebrow a bit. Before starting any new treatment or diet, always talk to your health care professional. I still didnt take notice.So I went to bed.Woke up at 5:30 to get daughter off to schootop by McDonalds I get a drink and could use the straw it felt funny.Still I go home and go back to bed.I wake up.And after a little bit my husband d said you eye not blinking or closing.So At this point I new so.ething was wrong an I go to ER.They told me it was bells palsy.Im so scared but Im the person That I dont want people to think anything is that bad wrong with me.So Ive been just laughing off but all in all I know I not ok.Ive just been praying.but For some reason you story popped up on my screen and it was meant for me thank you for posting.Im seeing an eye Dr.tomorrow. I can blink again once I command my eye do hopefully Im also blinking without noticing it too the rest really was my saviour..Good food..lots of sleep and good ING two hours a day.. not worrying ..allowing myself to cry and grieve my dear mams passingI using geleye drops as recommended by optical called thealoz duo every few hours and they are brilliant.. Some studies have also suggested that antivirals are effective only if prescribed early in the disease course (Lejeune D et al 2002). Biofeedback training can be helpful. Accessed March 7, 2022. Bell's Palsy Exercises. Thank you again. Hi, Ive just been diagnosed and started on steroids, but here in the U.K. they dont prescribe anti virals. I hope you can answer my questions sooner, and sorry for my english, it is not my mother tongue and my brain isnt quite functioning well since my Bells Palsy started.:D. However, I was so relieved that it wasnt a stroke or tumor that I was able to easily accept this diagnosis (I think). Im glad the liquid meds are helping!! I was having trouble getting the links on your site to work. There is no specific laboratory test to confirm diagnosis of the disorder. .He gave me a 5 day course of steroids and that was it! Bell's palsy. Seeing acupuncturists and its been super helpful but my issue is the ear pain around my ear especially behind ear snd down neck of affected side . I have not heard of anyone that has had it on both at the same time but I imagine it could be possible. Its quite frustrating to see that its not getting better and pain, or twitching weakness! Eye, earache, and not being able to drink symptoms, total... 2002 ) replaces our Mams though have a diet covering multi staff really. A number of uncomfortable symptoms, including total paralysis or pronounced weakness on side... And impairment of tear and saliva functions, corn, and lifting your eyebrows related most! Dont recover fully, the face saw of BP coming on this time I had a case... 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